
How we can help you

Your support options

If you need help accessing information or additional support, let us know and we’ll do all we can to help.

We can provide:
  • Alternative formats for documentation.  ​
  • Additional time to make decisions.​
  • Text relay support​
  • Alternative contact methods.


Contact us

To tell us what works best, give us a call or start a chat from this page.


You can call us on 0345 877 8888. ​

Or contact us via the Relay UK service on:  ​

18001 0345 877 8888 


Our lines are open Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm​

Standard call charges apply

Web accessibility

We aim for our webpages and digital services to be easy to use and accessible for everyone. To help with this, we use the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines. 

Alternative text
All images on this site come with a brief alternative (alt.) text that describes the image and its function. This alt text can be read by screen readers.

Adaptable text size
You can change the text size for this website in your browser settings whenever you like.

Descriptive links
All links that take you to other webpages are written in a way that's clear both in context and when read in isolation.

PDF accessibility
Most PDF files on this site are tagged to allow a basic level of accessibility. For more info on PDF accessibility, visit the Adobe webpage

For help with Acrobat files in general, or for a link to download Acrobat Reader, visit the Acrobat help page