Commercial Vehicles

Fund HGV's, trucks, trailers, buses with a Lease

Why use Lombard as your HGV finance provider?

Experience in the sector – With extensive knowledge of lease agreements for commercial transportation businesses, our team is ready to help your venture. 

Flexible repayments – We could make sure your payment plan directly responds to your business cash flow and needs.

Flexible end of term arrangements – At the end of your HGV leasing  term, lease it again or sell it to a third party on our behalf or return the asset for resale.

Proceeds from the asset resale – If you decide you don’t want to lease the asset again and the asset is sold, you will get a portion of the net proceeds of sale.

Do any tax treatments apply?

If a qualifying vehicle is used for business purposes and you are VAT registered (special rules apply) you may be able to recover some of the VAT applied to the lease rentals. In specific businesses the lease rental VAT may be 100% recoverable.

Tax reliefs referred to are those applying under current legislation which may change. The availability and value of any tax reliefs will depend on your individual circumstances.

Customers need to insure and maintain the asset. Contact us or see your contract terms for more details.

Large vehicle lease with Lombard

When you agree to a large vehicle lease, we purchase the asset and rent it out to you. Our lease solution can be used for: all coaches and buses, HGVs over 3.5 tonnes gross vehicle weight and different types of commercial trailers. Lombard's Lease offers a payment plan tailored to your business criteria and after the end of the lease term, you receive an agreed percentage of the vehicle’s resale value as you don’t own it.

Customers will be responsible for any maintenance or repairs due on their asset.

Is large vehicle leasing right for my business?

Lombard's Lease is an option for businesses, we support all kinds of ventures from family owned companies right up to nation-wide transport operators.

Get in touch

We can discuss finance solutions and answer any questions you might have.