
Social Media House Rules

Using social media

These house rules apply to social media accounts operated by Lombard North Central PLC, Lombard', 'us', 'we', 'our') on social media platforms, including but not limited to, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and YouTube.

Any references in these house rules to 'you', 'your' or 'yours' are references to the person(s) using our social media accounts. We have designed these house rules so you can interact with us in a safe and appropriate way. If you don't accept these house rules, please don't use our social media accounts.

We are part of the NatWest Group (‘NatWest’). For information about our group of companies please visit our website and click on 'About Us'.

Unless we state otherwise, our social media accounts are only intended for residents of United Kingdom.

The basic rule for using our social media accounts is: only post information you are happy for everyone to see.

Expectations of behaviour